German market leader within a few years

Business development

M1 has a clear growth strategy within the established business model. Since the opening of our first location in Berlin in 2012, we have continuously developed. Today, M1 is the market leader in Germany and has started the international expansion. In the coming years we will open numerous new locations in Germany and roll out the successful their model internationally. We see great potential in practically every country in Western Europe and beyond. After all, the markets for cosmetic surgery are very fragmented and prices are too high.

In addition, we see potential in other areas of aesthetic and plastic medicine and, from a medical point of view, the demand for specialization. That, we want to take advantage of.

Outlook: targets by the end of 2025

Growth targets

  • to operate approx. 75 - 100 M1 Med Beauty outpatient clinics
  • to be a leading lifestyle brand in aesthetic medicine
  • to be internationally known with our own brand for medical cosmetics


Latest news

| Investor News

  • Group: sales +11.2% to EUR 167.7 million and EBIT +98.8% to EUR 14.5 million
  • Earnings per share increased from EUR 0.17 to EUR 0.53
  • Beauty segment: sales +30.6% and EBIT +24.3%
  • Profitable growth to be continued

As announced on 20 June 2024, Management Board member Attila Strauss has sold part of his stake in M1 Kliniken AG for personal financial reasons. Mr Strauss continues to hold a tangible stake of over 2.3% in M1 Kliniken AG.

Kilian Brenske, member of the Management Board since 2022, has asked the Supervisory Board to terminate his position on the Management Board for private reasons. The areas of national and international expansion, marketing, purchasing and sales, which he was previously responsible for together with Co-CEO Attila Strauss, will in future be managed by Attila Strauss alone.

In the first quarter of 2024, the M1 Group increased its consolidated sales by 9.6% from EUR 76.8 million to EUR 84.7 million. In comparison, operating earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) increased at a disproportionately high rate. M1 improved Group EBIT by 70% from EUR 4.0 million to EUR 6.8 million. The Group EBIT margin increased accordingly from 5.3% to 8.1%.