M1 Kliniken AG successfully conducts the annual general meeting

| Investor News

Despite temporary losses due to the lock-down, the Management Board confirms its assessment of the company's growth prospects. All proposed resolutions approved by large majorities.

Yesterday, M1 Kliniken AG successfully held its Annual General Meeting 2020.

In his presentation, the Management Board gave an outline of the company's prosperous development in the 2019 financial year, which was accompanied by a significant expansion of the national and international network of specialist centres. Furthermore, the Management Board described the temporary effects of the corona lock-down from March to May 2020. The loss of two months of sales will lead to a short-term interruption of the previous growth course. However, due to the rapid achievement of very high capacity utilisation rates following the reopening of the specialist centres, the Management Board is convinced that the corona pandemic will not have a negative impact on the further business development of M1 in the medium and long term.

Finally, the Management Board outlined the reasons for the acquisition of a good 48% of the shares in Haemato AG, which should lead to a focusing of both companies and mutual support. The transaction was successfully implemented as of July 1, 2020. As a result of the takeover, the company expects a significant increase in sales and earnings already in the current fiscal year 2020.

A total of 72.9% of the share capital was represented at the Annual General Meeting. The items on the agenda included the resolution on the appropriation of the net profit for 2019, the discharge of the members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board, the re-election of the company's Supervisory Board and the election of the auditor for the 2019 financial year. The resolutions on the agenda of this year's Annual General Meeting were passed with a majority of over 90 %.
The detailed voting results are published at: https://www.m1-kliniken.de/aktie/hauptversammlung.html

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