Unternehmensprofil der M1 Kliniken AG
Unternehmensprofil der M1 Kliniken AG

Unique business model

Company profile

M1 Kliniken AG, based in Berlin, is one of the fastest growing and leading private providers of health services in the beauty sector. With its products and services, the group of companies with more than 350 employees offers a customer-oriented spectrum of aesthetic and surgical treatments throughout Germany. Our experienced and highly specialised team uses high-quality products and state-of-the-art medical technology to perform more than 400,000 minimally invasive and surgical procedures every year to the highest quality standards.

Business model

With the guiding principle "highest quality at the best price", M1 started in 2012 and has established itself as the market leader for beauty medicine in Germany. M1 aims to achieve this leading position in the international beauty segment as well by constantly expanding abroad.

To realize this vision, M1 has developed a unique business model, which is based on specialisation and thus providing the highest quality in medicine. Experts agree on this and for us, top medicine through specialisation is the corporate DNA. M1 Kliniken is the first company to focus on selected treatments within aesthetic and plastic medicine. The results are economies of scale and affordable prices.

More than 100 highly specialized doctors perform more treatments in their field of specialty than regular doctors. This routine increases safety for our clients. Our own training and further education at the M1 Akademie also contributes to this. At the same time, centralised purchasing enables us to use the most modern technical infrastructure and the highest quality products and medicines at attractive prices. With this specialisation, M1 makes top medicine accessible to the general public.

> 350 employees

> 1.000,000 treatments

> 60 specialist centres worldwide

Latest news

| Investor News

  • Group: sales +8.7% to EUR 257.22 million and EBIT +70.7% to EUR 22.09 million
  • Beauty segment growth driver with sales +33.5% to EUR 71.02 million
  • EBIT in the Beauty segment +30.4% to EUR 16.26 million
  • Medium-term target confirmed: World's leading private provider of beauty treatments

| Investor News

  • Group: sales +11.2% to EUR 167.7 million and EBIT +98.8% to EUR 14.5 million
  • Earnings per share increased from EUR 0.17 to EUR 0.53
  • Beauty segment: sales +30.6% and EBIT +24.3%
  • Profitable growth to be continued

As announced on 20 June 2024, Management Board member Attila Strauss has sold part of his stake in M1 Kliniken AG for personal financial reasons. Mr Strauss continues to hold a tangible stake of over 2.3% in M1 Kliniken AG.

Kilian Brenske, member of the Management Board since 2022, has asked the Supervisory Board to terminate his position on the Management Board for private reasons. The areas of national and international expansion, marketing, purchasing and sales, which he was previously responsible for together with Co-CEO Attila Strauss, will in future be managed by Attila Strauss alone.