Corporate News - Archive

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  • Group revenue falls to just under EUR 139 million (EUR 165 million in H1-2021)
  • Group EBITDA amounts to EUR 7.4 million (previous year: EUR 9.9 million); EBIT amounts to EUR 4.5 million (previous year: EUR 7.1 million)
  • Beauty: Increase in treatment and sales figures; five new centres already opened in 2022; no influence of the deteriorating consumer climate so far

| Investor News

  • Group turnover falls to EUR 63.5 million (EUR 80.8 million in Q1-2021)
  • Group EBITDA amounts to EUR 4.2 million (previous year: EUR 4.0 million); EBIT amounts to EUR 2.8 million (previous year: EUR 2.6 million)
  • Beauty: Increase in turnover by 6 % to EUR 13.8 million (previous year: EUR 13.0 million); number of treatments rises by 9 % to almost 89 thousand.
  • Trade: Continuation of operational optimisations and portfolio streamlining

| Investor News

  • Supervisory Board adopts the 2021 annual financial statements of M1 Kliniken AG, which have been audited with unqualified audit opinions
  • Turnover almost doubles to almost 315 million euros. Group operating result (EBIT) almost tripled to €12.1 million (€4.4 million in 2020)
  • The Supervisory Board and the Executive Board propose to the Annual General Meeting that the balance sheet profit be carried forward in full to new account. Investments in sustainable growth planned.

| Investor News

M1 Kliniken AG publishes preliminary figures for the 2021 financial year. In the past financial year, the M1 Group was able to significantly expand its market position in the field of beauty medicine and opened seven new specialist centres in the German home market alone. The subsidiary Haemato AG set a cornerstone for the development of the own-brand business with the in-licensing of a botulinum toxin product from Huons Biopharma. The start of the clinical approval trial is planned for the second half of 2022.

| Investor News

  • Average daily sales in November 2021 in the German practice network again at record level
  • All specialist centres open
  • With four more openings in Germany and Australia, M1 will operate a total of 47 specialty centres by year-end 2021

| Investor News

  • Group revenue rises to EUR 237 million (EUR 82 million in Q3-2020)
  • Beauty: treatment numbers at high level; record revenue in German practice network in October 2021; no negative impact from rising incidence rate of the Corona pandemic
  • Group EBITDA amounts to EUR 13.3 million (previous year: EUR 8.8 million); EBIT amounts to EUR 9.1 million (previous year: EUR 5.8 million); EBIT margin in the German practice network in the target corridor of 15-20% despite large number of new openings

| Investor News

  • Significant expansion of site capacities in Germany and internationally
  • Sales in the "Beauty" segment well above the previous year's figures. Expected annual sales of over EUR 50 million in the Beauty segment in 2021

| Investor News

  • Group revenue rises to just under EUR 165 million (EUR 37 million in H1-
  • Consolidated EBITDA amounts to EUR 9.9 million (previous year: EUR 1.7
    million); EBIT amounts to EUR 7.1 million (previous year: EUR -0.05
  • Beauty: Significant increase in treatment and sales figures; Coronarelated
    ‘idle capacity’ due to vaccination intervals

| Investor News

After the Corona-related restrictions of the previous year, the Management Board is confident about the development of the company in the current financial year and the future.

| Investor News

M1 Kliniken AG announces figures for the first quarter of 2021. According to these figures, the consolidated group revenue of the M1 Group in the first quarter of the financial year 2021 rose by approx. 250% year-on-year to just under EUR 81 million (previous year: EUR 23 million). Of this, HAEMATO AG (without M1 Aesthetics), which was not yet consolidated in the same period of the previous year, accounted for sales of a good EUR 59 million.